
Lectures are free and are open to both members and non-members.

Become a member

A member may be anyone active in audio engineering or acoustics who has an academic degree or the equivalent in scientific or professional experience in audio engineering and its allied arts and is familiar with the application of engineering principles and data in that field.

About our meetings

Lectures are free and are open to both members and non-members. London lectures are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month. They start with refreshments at 6.30pm, with the lecture itself commencing at 7pm. Lectures usually last about 90 minutes (including questions).

Technical visits are open to AES members only.

Meetings are held by the AES regional groups in London, Cambridge, Leeds/York (North of England Group), and Glasgow and Edinburgh (Scotland Group). For further details of meeting locations, please see the information for the specific meeting.

Details of the next few meetings can be found in the sidebar on the right.

Lecture resources

All confirmed future meetings.
Our YouTube channel, with video of some past lectures.
Reports and recordings from past meetings:

The meeting archive accessible from the links above begins in late 2008. Lecture reports older than this are archived by the Wayback Machine.

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