We are pleased to announce two new members of the Interim Committee: Stuart Gillan and Neil Johnson. As they join, Elena Prokofieva steps down to focus on her new role as AES Vice President for the Northern Europe Region (which includes the UK Section). We’re very grateful for Elena’s contribution to our committee over the past nine months, and for all her hard work with the Scotland Group since it was formed back in 2011.
Stuart Gillan has also served on the Scotland Group Committee from the outset and brings to us his experience in organising many meetings, lectures, and online webinars. Neil Johnson has recently been helping to reactivate the Cambridge Group and he was the organiser of the recent lecture by Joshua Hodge. Neil has also arranged this month’s lecture by Brian Møller (see below). We extend a warm welcome to both our new members.
A programme of monthly lectures through to the summer is planned, and we look forward to being able to announce a date for an AGM before too long to elect an official Executive Committee. Meanwhile, we’re still looking for volunteers to re-establish Regional Group Committees in London and the South East, the North of England, the Midlands, and the South (which we’re considering renaming South and South West).
Article posted by AES Admin