Gestalt discuss their work interacting with space and architecture.
The different approaches they use and processes they work with when creating these works. Looking at how new technology is opening up different possibilities for exploration; expanding and intersecting the traditional constructs of a music release, performance, exhibit or gallery space.
A collaborative ‘Audio Visual’ project directed & curated by composers Joel Wells & Abi Wade;
With a focus on creating experimental music works and soundscapes, which have an intrinsic relationship to visual art.
Wells and Wade combine an alternative and experimental approach to sound, composition, performance and instrumentation; Classical instruments are subverted in innovative ways, preparing the piano with found objects, manipulating vocals to create ambient soundscapes and exploring the cello percussively using beaters, contact microphones and unusual bowing techniques. The pair also extensively experiment with field recordings, new technologies and the creation of unique sample instruments. Tuned percussion such as the Kalimba and Slate marimba are recorded and re-sequenced using analog and digital hardware inc Elektron’s infamous Octatrack sampler and the Analog Rytm drum machine, to become warped ‘fourth world’ polyrhythms or textural drones.
Hogg Lecture Theatre – L294, Second Floor, University Of Westminster, 35 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LS