An Interim Committee will be managing the AES UK Section during the remainder of this year following the resignation of the Executive Committee on March 1st. The AES members who have volunteered to take on this role are:
Jamie Angus – AES Fellow and member of the AES Diversity & Inclusion Committee
Elena Prokofieva – founder and acting Chair of the Scotland Regional Group
Ben Supper – former Chair of the UK Section (2013)
They will be supported by Dave Moffat as Webmaster – a former Europe & International Chair of the AES Student Delegate Assembly.
The original plan to hold an EGM to formally appoint this Interim Committee has proved to be impractical due to the current restrictions on meetings. To ensure it was still a democratic process, a message was sent to all UK members seeking volunteers and a subsequent e-mail announcing the proposed committee did not elicit any objections.
The plan is to hold an AGM towards the end of this year at which a new Executive Committee for 2021 will be formally elected. Meanwhile the Interim Committee is focusing on ways to keep in touch with UK members during the coming months. It is hoped to deliver a few online lectures, meanwhile over the coming weeks the UK Section YouTube channel will be enhanced with additional content including past UK Section lectures and selected highlights from other sections’ meetings. We hope you will find these informative – and entertaining!
You can get in touch with the Interim Committee via the Contact page: http://www.aes-uk.org/contact/
Per Sjösten, AES Vice President, Northern Europe Region
Audio Engineering Society Inc.
Article posted by AES Admin