Meet National Science and Media Museum curator, Annie Jamieson, to hear about our plans and ambitions for new sound-focussed projects, acquisitions and exhibitions at the museum, and to find out how you might help. Visit our museum store and enjoy a private viewing and discussion of some audio treasures from our collections, old and new, from film, broadcast, live and studio sound.
Annie Jamieson is a historian of technology with particular interests in the history of sound technologies in both live and studio contexts, especially (though not limited to) British pro-sound technologies from the 20th century to date, and in the development of sound for cinema.
She also works on historical and contemporary issues of hearing risk and hearing protection, especially in relation to the music and sound industries. Her research has explored current attitudes and behaviour of professional musicians and sound engineers with respect to hearing risk and management. She works with professionals, educators and academic researchers to raise awareness of these issues and of the solutions available. Annie has presented this research to the Audio Engineering Society and at the First European Hearing Conservation Conference, has been featured in TPI and PSNEurope, and she has presented educational seminars on hearing protection for sound professionals for the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine, and at trade shows such as PLASA and BPM/PRO.
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