Exciting News! 6 HeForShe Bursaries!
Thanks to the support of Sustaining Members Nugen Audio and iZotope we are able to offer 6 HeForShe bursaries!
The bursaries supported by Nugen Audio will cover the cost of 3 AES Student Memberships for 1 year.
The bursaries supported by iZotope will cover the cost of 3 full Memberships for early career audio professionals that wish to join the AES, these will also be for 1 year.
Applications are only open to female and non-binary applicants who are currently based in the UK.
Please send your application statement (max 400 words) to Mariana LopezĀ mariana.lopez@york.ac.ukexplaining how the bursary will help your studies and future plans if you are a student and how it will help your career if you are an early career professional.
The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on the 7th May.