Interested in joining the AES? Become a member HERE
A Member may be anyone active in audio engineering or acoustics who has an academic degree or the equivalent in scientific or professional experience in audio engineering and its allied arts and is familiar with the application of engineering principles and data in that field.
An Associate Member may be anyone who has an interest in audio engineering and in the society objectives, but who does not yet have the degree or the equivalent in professional experience required of a Member. Associate membership includes all the privileges except voting, holding office or chairmanships.
A Student Member may be anyone interested in audio who is enrolled in a recognized school, college or university. As with Associate Members, Student Members may not vote or serve on committees except in a local chapter.
Membership Benefits and Features of the AES
- Meet and talk with other members of the audio industry
- Receive the Journal of the AES and electronic news regularly
- Learn directly from recognized experts in the audio field
- Find out the most up-to-date products in the market
- Have access to the latest developments by researchers
- Participate in local section meetings, workshops, and discussion forums
- Receive discounts on events and publications
- For students: the AES is the perfect complement to your education
- Workshops
- Tutorials
- Masterclasses
- Student recording and design competitions
- Papers
- Exhibitor seminars
- Over 14,000 members worldwide
- 77 professional sections worldwide
- 99 student sections worldwide
- Annual North American convention
- Annual European convention
- Regional conventions and conferences