Congratulations to Josh Reiss and Elena Prokofieva, who were successful candidates in the recent AES election.
Josh is Professor of Audio Engineering at Queen Mary University of London’s Centre for Digital Music, author of more than 150 scientific papers, and Chair of the AES’s Publications Policy Committee. He will join the Board of Directors as President-Elect on 1st January 2021, taking over as AES President for the following year.
Elena is an acoustic designer and consultant, Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University, co-founder of our Scotland Group and member of the UK Section Interim Committee. She joins the AES Board of Governors as Vice President for Northern Europe, also on 1st January, and will take over responsibility from Per Sjösten for the oversight of AES Sections in Ireland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia, as well as the UK.
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